Speaking arrangements

The American Society of Association Executives

Architectural Digest Home Design Show

Director of Education Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)
Goldman’s seminar had the attendees jumping in the aisles. One of the best presenters we have ever had.
David Wolinski, Production Club Association
High-energy, lively presentations.
Chelsie Z. Thornton, Conference Manager, SURFACES | StonExpo, Hanley Wood Exhibitions
We had Jon Goldman as our keynote speaker for our annual meeting and he was fantastic. He was dynamite… I couldn’t recommend him highly enough!
Marilyn Miller, Executive Director, VADA Vermont Auto Dealers Association
Our interview with Jon was one of the best ever. The content was phenomenal, the energy was fast paced, and Jon simply has a unique way of communicating that makes him likeable and authoritative.
David Frey, CEO, Marketing Best Practices Inc.
The INLA Conference & Trade Show received excellent reviews, and the credit belongs to you. Your General Session presentation, was extremely popular. It was a pleasure working with you and I hope we have the opportunity to do it again soon.
Jeff Iles, Chair, INLA Conference & Trade Show
Jon is a dynamic speaker who takes the time to get to know his audience before arriving – including extensive research. He includes music, props, and constant movement — which always help keeps the audience involved.
Cherie Tuhus , Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association
Thank you for the wonderful job you did presenting during the National Stationery Show last month. Your engaging (and often hilarious) speaking style captured the audience’s attention, while the information you provided was both relevant and timely.
Becky Taylor, Programs & Events Supervisor, GLM, a dmg world media business
A fabulous Keynote Presenter… educational, inspiring and fun.
Ricky Bennett, Postmaster, United States Postal Service
People were calling to register for the conference just to come to your session. It’s really unusual to have a speaker who can educate as much as you do and also entertain the audience.
Vena Jones Cox, Nationally Acclaimed Real Estate Investor and Conference Coordinator
I highly recommend Goldman. His presentation here sparked a creative energy and whole new ways of looking at our market. It was invaluable.
Roland Kuningholm, National Wildlife Federation
Our members are tough. They are sales and marketing executives who expect cutting-edge presentations with information they can take back and use today. The reviews were so successful for Jon Goldman we have invited him back three years in a row and would strongly recommend him as a speaker.
Bruce Ryan, Sales and Marketing Executives International Association (SMEI)
ASAE – the American Society of Association Executives
Architectural Digest Home Design Show
ACA International Conference
Advertising & Graphics Arts Society
ALLIANCE TPCA – Texas Pest Control Association
ALOA Associated Locksmiths of America Conference
AMBA American Mold Builders Association
American Lawyer Media
ACA – Association of Credit and Collection Professionals
AZREIA – Arizona Real Estate Association
Baltimore Boat Show
Baltimore Chamber of Commerce
BCSLA British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
CalSAE California Society of Association Executives
Capital REIA
CCA Consumer Credit Association of Metropolitan New York
Chicago Creative Investors Association
CLLA – Commercial Law League of America
Club Industry East
CONSAC Sign Association of Canada
Construction Expo
DMAI Destinations Showcase
DMAW – Direct Marketing Association, Washington D.C.
FABTECH Welding, Fabrication, and Metalwork Show
FLASLA Florida Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects
Geremiah Greenhouse
GKIC Orlando
HBA of Lincoln Business Boot Camp
HomeBuilder Toronto
HSAE Houston Society of Association Executives
HSMAI Affordable Meetings
IBM Training Seminar
INLA Indiana Nursery & Landscape Association
INLA Iowa Nursery & Landscape Association
INPEX Invention Exposition
Institute of Management Accountants
International Restaurant & Foodservice Show
KPMA – Kansas Pest Management Association
Lakewood B2B Expo
LTB Business Summit
MAHSC Mid Atlantic Horticultural Short Course
MENG Marketing Executives Networking Group – CT Chapter
MENG Marketing Executives Networking Group – NJ Chapter
MENG Marketing Executives Networking Group – New York City Chapter
MENG Marketing Executives Networking Group – Philadelphia Chapter
Mid-States Horticultural Expo
MNLA Michigan Nursery & Landscape Association Great Lakes Trade Exposition
MONY – Mutual of NY
MSAE Missouri Society of Association Executives
MSPCA – Maryland State Pest Control Association
NAA National Apartment Association
NACE National Association of Catering Executives
National Realtor Conference
National Stationery Show
National Wildlife Federation Training
NC Collectors
NCNLA North Carolina Nursery & Landscape Association
NEDC Northeast Debt Collection Expo
NESPA Pool & Spa Show
Nestlé Purina
New England Grows
NGCE Northeast Greenhouse Conference & Expo
NJLCA New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association
NSSA Northeast States Sign Association
NTCA- National Tile & Ceramic Association
NWPCA National Wooden Pallet & Container Association Annual Leadership Conference
NYSNLA Annual Leadership Forum
Ocean City Chamber of Commerce
Ocean City Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Association
OREIA – Ohio Real Estate Association
Parnassah Expo
Patriots Remodeling Conference
Pavement Expo
PLANET GIC Green Industry Conference
PPAI – Promotional Products Association International
ProGreen Expo
Realtors Triple Play
Remodeling Show
SDI Guerilla Marketing Boot Camp
Sign Expo
SPI National Plastics Showcase
Supply Expo
SWREIA – South West Real Estate Association
TEAMS Conference & Expo
TS2 Trade Show & Conference
TXIADA Texas Independent Auto Dealers Association
USPS – United States Postal Service
VTADA Vermont Auto Dealers Association
WMCA Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association
WPPI Wedding & Portrait Photography International
Workboat Show
WSAE – Washington Society of Association Executives
How to go through a Turning Point in your Business and Life
“What got you here won’t get you there.” Business is getting harder, compliance tougher, and your life is demanding. It’s time for something new. It’s time to break out of old patterns and start thriving personally and as a collection’s owner. It’s time to move from “oh sh**” to “I got this!”
In this interactive workshop with industry leaders Jon Goldman, Tim Haag and Mark Neeb, you’ll discover the no-nonsense strategies to thrive as an owner, team and individual.
During this session you’ll learn:
How to get your team to be more self-motivated, self-managed and self-funded.
The three parts of the scientifically-proven 6 Minutes A Day program to increase your happiness and productivity.
Coach em’ in or coach em out. But coach em’. How to deal with abrasive team members and challenging family business dynamics
Practical steps to create a transition plan and delegate away your job so you can do what you love
Real-world case studies and insights from leaders in the collections industry who are thriving and more profitable now than ever, against all odds
Taming abrasive leaders
The taming of difficult bosses
Can’t live with em, can’t live without them
The three steps to deal with a leader who is difficult and occasionally abrasive
Many owners feel a bit stuck with a leader who has great performance but poor social dynamics
Learn how to coach em’ in or coach em’ out. But coach em.
Discover how to respond to their denial and resistance
Get a glimpse into what is actually driving them and how to use this hidden force to turn them around
Inevitable Transitions:
Everything comes to a natural phased ending
What got you here won’t get you there.
When you are a leader with or without family business you need to dig your well before you are thirsty.
Can your business continue to operate for the next six months to a year without you
Differentiate the difference between rights and responsibilities
If it’s a family business the nuances of family needs vs. business needs
“Give me clarity or give me death!” There is no joy like getting out of doubt
How to have the hard conversation about who can lead the next chapter of your business
How to create a path of ascension for the next leader so that they can earn it not just be bequeathed
Tips tricks and insights from the field
Couples crazy
Freedom teams and systems:
Reduce the dependency on you
Building the next generation of leaders
Building a culture of accountability
Learn the 4 key tools that build a spirit of accountability
Discover the Fast Four Feedback Loops that keep you in sync
Learn how to use a SCRUM board to literally double your productivity and get twice as much done in half the time
The great game of KPI’s – Key Performance Indicators
Glorified Job or Assetability
How to step back or step out of the business
Do you want to build an asset or a job. Many collection agency owners have built a job.
The ugly baby syndrome. You have worked years on building your baby and now when you want to have more freedom, step back or sell it you discovered that you have an ugly baby
Take the Assetability™ Assessment to discover how you stack up against industry benchamarks and the step you need to take to increase your assetability. The real goal of business is to build an asset
Reduce the 3 key dependencies
The Tips, Tricks and Dangers of Elephant Hunting
The industry is crazy
If more than 10% of your business is with a single elephant (large client) you are in danger
Ask all the companies who have lost their elephant what life is like aftwards
The risks and tips of diversification
Sitting fat and happy is like being an ostrich
All good things eventually die in RFP’s
How long do you want to keep being told how much you can charge (ie. tiny margins) while they demand more resources, bigger investments and demand lower costs
Courageous Conversations
OPW – Other Peoples Work
The only way to grow is to get other people to do what you want but they want to do what they want
How to create a healthy and safe place
How to work through conflict in a way where everybody feels good
It’s a people business. Synergy is when 2 + 2 = 5. You are wasting so much time time that 2+2 = (-4) when you don’t have healthy courageous conversations
Learn the 4 step clearing model
Improve productivity and flow
Discover how to be a Coach not a Cop!
HABUT – Highest And Best Use of Time
Red lights and Green lights
If you want to lead you must shift from working in administrivia and getting pulled into the weeds
Learn how to track your activities
Discover the 7 strategies to move you from Red Light to Green Lights
Simplify Codify Multiply
Get more done with less effort
Potential promise: if you are like most who go through this you will literally find a full extra day per week. What could you do for your business of life with an extra day per week?
Learn practical ways to actually work more ON your business than IN it
The occupational hazard of collections: say goodbye to frustration and worry and upgrade your happiness or The One Page Life Plan and One Page Strategic Plan
Can you be happy in this industry? The answer will surprise you
6 techniques
3 strategies
Life priorities, everyone says family, health happiness is most important but it’s not how they are actually spending their time
Planning is essential, but all plans fall apart as soon as they hit the battlefield unless…
You need a rubber band to bring you back to what matters most in your life and your business
If you want to spend more time with loved ones, health, spirituality, rejuvenation AND make a profitable business then you can’t miss this
Counter intuitive…
Professional Speakers Association, National Conferences Coordinator
Make your business flourish.